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Meukow Vsop Cognac 1750ml

Meukow Vsop Cognac 1750ml

Meukow Vsop Cognac 1750ml


The incredible smoothness of Meukow VSOP Superior is the fruit of the very careful selection of different "Eaux-de-Vie" entering in the blend and the minimum ageing requirement, unlike regular VSOP, imposed in our own rules.

Walnut and hazelnut aromas with vanilla. Harmonious and mellow tannins with spicy nuances.

Awarded GOLD MEDAL at International Vinalies Challenge PARIS 2002

Awarded GOLD MEDAL at Estonian Wine Challenge TALINN 2003

Awarded GOLD MEDAL at International Wine & Spirit Competition LONDON 2004

Winner of the COGNAC TROPHY (among all Cognacs in the competition) at International Wine & Spirit Competition LONDON 2004

$249.99 ea

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SKU: 2333. Category: Spirits/Cognac.

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1 bottles